Here you can find the answers to many frequently asked questions. Feel free to contact us directly if your question is not covered!

About Scientific Eloquence

Unlike other editing companies, we do not outsource your documents to faceless editors. We are Dr. Rayneau-Kirkhope and Dr. Casiraghi; we own the company and are the ones that will edit your work. Since our company and our reputation are at stake, we will make sure that the work we perform is of the highest quality.

With our 10+ years of experience each as academic researchers at word-class universities, writing and editing articles for high-impact journals, you can rest assured that we know what it takes to write a good manuscript. If there is one thing that we are certain about is that you will be impressed with the quality of our work.

Yes, we were! We both got our Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Nottingham (UK) in 2012. We then both worked as post-docs first at Aalto University (Finland) and later in Italy, at the University of Milan (Dr. Rayneau-Kirkhope) and at INRiM, Turin (Dr. Casiraghi). Overall, we both spent 10+ years working as researchers. Read more about our research and publications here.

Dr. Rayneau-Kirkhope is British, originally from Oxford (UK). Dr. Casiraghi is Italian, but she received her Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham (UK) and has spent most of her life speaking English both at work and in everyday life.

To provide editing of the highest quality, we think it is paramount that we fully understand the details of your research field. This is why we only provide editing in subjects we have extensive research and editing experience in.

Yes. Our website is secured by an SSL certificate to ensure the documents and information you share with us are safe. Your work will never be shared externally with anyone under any circumstances without your express written consent. Our service is 100% confidential and safe for clients anywhere in the world.

Editing Services

This depends very much on the state of your manuscript and your target journal. If you feel confident that your writing is already of a high standard, and you just need a thorough check of the grammar/vocabulary/sentence structure, then our Basic editing service is for you. If, however, you would like us to provide you with a more in-depth editing service, including content improvement, then choose our Premium editing service. Finally, if you know that your document would benefit from an extensive language and content improvement, including suggestions regarding the figures, then our Advanced editing service is for you. We recommend this service also if you wish to submit your manuscript to high-impact journals.

We understand that you may be concerned about paying upfront without knowing what service you will get. We therefore offer to edit for free a brief sample of your manuscript (e.g., the abstract). Simply contact us to request this service.

Our aim is to help get your work published in your target journal. In our experience, a manuscript is never rejected based on its formatting. This is why we only focus on improving the technical and content aspects of a manuscript.

Yes, of course! We understand that LaTeX offers many advantages over Word and is becoming increasingly widespread in the research community. During our research career, we ourselves wrote all our papers in LaTeX.

Yes, absolutely! Figures are a key part in any manuscript. Due to lack of time, too often readers skim over the text and focus on the figures. That's why figures are so important and the message of your work should be clearly presented in the figures. If you choose our Advanced editing service, we will provide plenty of suggestions on how you can improve your figures.

If you choose our Premium/Advanced editing services, we can reduce the word count of your manuscript or parts of it (e.g., the abstract) by up to 10%.

The Premium and Advanced editing services include one and two free re-edits, respectively. Please bear in mind that these re-edits will be free only if your document has not changed by more than 20% with respect to the previous edited version. To request a free re-edit, please submit your document(s) as you would when placing an order and simply write in the message area that you are asking for a free re-edit.

Yes, of course! Please contact us with the following information:

  • Name of the author(s),
  • Manuscript title,
  • Your email address,

and we will issue the certificate.

Orders and Payments

You can place your order using this link, where you will need to upload your document(s) and provide a few details. We will then issue a quotation to the email address you provided containing the payment details. If you are happy with the quotation, we will start working on your manuscript and will have it back with you, alongside the invoice, by the agreed deadline.

We accept payments via PayPal or bank transfer. To pay via PayPal, you can use any international debit or credit card. Alternatively, you can make a bank transfer. You will receive all necessary information regarding the various payment options with the quotation and invoice we will issue once you have placed your order.

Once you have placed the order, we will issue first a quotation, and later an invoice, to the email address you provided containing the payment details.

We do not process any debit/credit card information ourselves. To ensure your security, we use PayPal for payments via debit/credit card.

Quality Guarantee

As we are both the owners and editors of the company, we take great care in providing editing services of the utmost quality. We can do this because we have been researchers at world-class universities and research institutes and have extensive academic editing experience. You will be impressed with the high standard of our work.

We guarantee that your revised document will be free of language errors. However, if you received a negative feedback regarding language issues from the editor/reviewers, please contact us and include the following information:

  • The draft of the manuscript you submitted to the journal;
  • The editor/reviewer comments.

We will evaluate your request and contact you as quickly as possible. Please note that we do not take responsibility for any changes that were made to the manuscript after it was edited by us.