a laptop, a pair of glasses, a phone and a pen

Two Ph.D. editors.

Academic editing in subjects
we actually know about.

Two Ph.D. editors.

Academic editing
in subjects
we actually know about.

Why choose us?

  • No hidden editors

    We are two editors, Dr. Rayneau-Kirkhope and Dr. Casiraghi, and you will be dealing directly with us. We take pride in providing academic editing of the highest standard.

  • Real research experience

    We both hold a Ph.D. in Physics and have each conducted 10+ years of research in Physics, Materials Science, and Nanotechnology at world-class universities and research institutes.

  • Extensive academic editing experience

    On top of writing academic manuscripts, research grants, and Ph.D. theses, we have been editing them for over five years.

red desk lamp

What we do

  • Types of documents we edit

    Our editing services focus on academic manuscripts, research grants, Ph.D. theses, conference abstracts, and cover letters in the areas of Physics, Materials Science, and Nanotechnology.

  • Our editing services

    You can choose from three types of editing services:


A thorough grammar check of the document is provided, including improvements to vocabulary and sentence structure. This service is recommended for experienced academic writers.

Premium editing

On top of the aspects covered by Basic Editing, the logic, structure, and flow of the document are improved, and some content suggestions are provided. One free re-edit is also included.

Advanced editing

The most in-depth scientific editing available, with numerous content and figure improvements provided. Two free re-edits are included. This service is recommended for high-impact journals.

How it works

Tell us
what you need

Send us a message to discuss your requirements and time frame.

the order

Use our form to upload the files that require editing and place the order.


We provide you with a carefully edited document within your specified time frame.


“I have had numerous manuscripts edited by Scientific Eloquence, and I have found their work to reflect an excellent understanding of physics and mathematics and careful proofreading. I primarily use the Premium Service, and after the initial editing and detailed comments provided, I make changes and request for a second round of editing to be performed; this second editing is always free. My manuscripts edited by Scientific Eloquence have been published in top journals (such as Phys. Lett. A and Physica D), and I have received positive comments from reviewers regarding the English.”

Dr. Naohiko Inaba
Shonan Institute of Technology, Fujisawa, Japan

Want to talk?

Whatever your needs, we will find a solution that works for you. We guarantee that you will receive a thoroughly edited document, suitable for publication in journals with very high impact factors.

If you would like to get in touch with us, send us an email or use our form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact us here